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Meet Us: Mahogony Askew-Hand

Marketing isn't just on social media, its everywhere! Mahogony makes sure that every company/organization she touches has excellent marketing approaches from email campaigns to advertising. Learn more about Mahogony through her quick Q&A session with DGCA.

Q1: Whose your biggest inspiration in your respective field?

A: My biggest inspirations in my field are the individuals who come from similar backgrounds as mine, that have flourished despite the odds being stacked against them.

Q2: What type of music/What artist do you listen to while getting work done?

A: I mostly listen to artists from the Hip Hop, RNB, & Pop genres for the most part when trying to get work done.

Q3: What are your thoughts on the importance of Black artists in the creative industry?

A: I feel that it’s extremely important for Black artists to be heavily present in the creative industry. Black creatives come from a vast variety of backgrounds and cultures and are able to contribute unique, creative perspectives that add much needed value to whatever we aspire to.

Q4: Where are you from?

A: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Q5: Would you rather try Scuba Diving or Sky Diving?

A: Scuba Diving

Q9: What's your favorite social media platform(s)?

A: Instagram & TikTok

Q10: If you could pick one album to listen to for the rest of your life what would it be?

A: I can't just pick one! lol

Fun Fact: I have working experience with Tableau, IBM SPSS, as well as Google Analytics, and Hubspot Marketing certifications.

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